Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dress for a Little One

Every time patterns go on sale for $.99-1.99, you should buy at least one! So this was the last one I bought from Joann's. But you can get it here as well.
I made the one featured in the picture, but added a ruffle around the neckline, a fabric lining around the body of the dress and a few flowers, including a removable clip on the top.
The "funniest" part about this dress is that it's actually BACKWARDS!!! I was completely done and feeling so accomplished, but decided to add a few flowers (with fabric glue because I had already put the sewing machine away). Then I realized I glued them to the back of the dress... what the "h"?! Oh well, they ARE NOT coming off, so I'm just going to make a couple of more to put on the front of the dress, then their will be flowers all over!

1 comment:

Todd and Ashley said...

I LOVE this dress you made for our little soon to be Tatum!! So darling. And really, you CAN'T tell the flowers are on backwards. You are SO talented.Thanks again for one of your creations.